adam samuel: consulting

Help for

Arbitration Organisations

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The Challenges

  1. Finding people who can resolve disputes quickly, informally and with a minimum of fuss.
  2. Finding lawyers used to operating in a variety of legal systems or with technical financial services, internet related, computer and intellectual property issues to resolve disputes.
  3. Finding people who can write readable material on these subjects.
  4. Finding entertaining, interesting and technically sound presenters for conferences and academic programmes


  • Efficient non-nonsense arbitrator and panellist, experienced delivering decisions alone or as part of a three-person panel
  • Productive chairman of committees and committee member, with a history of delivering world-renowned practice standard guidance and codes of ethics.
  • Highly professional interactive lectures for students and academics of all levels
  • Help to thesis students with their research
  • Contacts for academics around the world and within the UK financial services industry.

Help for you

Adam helps a wide range of organisations like yours - from dispute resolution centres, law firms and publishers to life assurers and small IFAs. For a complete list click here

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